Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Busy Morning

I'm tellin' ya...
I really try not to clog my blog with nonsense that is beyond my control.
After all, quilts & nature are nice to see & I have gorgeous friends & family.

But, today, I'm addressing corporate waste.
Why, you ask?
Cause it's right in my kitchen.
And on my couch.
(Notice the quilt he is posed upon?
It's one of my firsts!)
Every time Murray's company changes insurance, they send a nurse, TO OUR HOUSE, to check his health.
An EKG in the family room?
On a perfectly healthy man?
Who is clearly obsessed with his health?
And a drama queen...
A perfectly hearty, health obsessed, histrionic man...
It's a good thing I can find humor in the absurd.

And, by my count, this is the 3rd time.
Although, I believe once this ridiculousness took place in his office.j
Even Alvin was appalled....he had to step outside during the festivities.

Just thinking out loud here...
Do you think if we applied all this wasted money to those who actually need care, we could take care of everyone?
Without government intervention?
Just something for your consideration.
OK... I feel better.
I'm done with this denunciation.

The first thing Murray said when she left, 'We'll call for the results as soon as we can.'
Of course, he did.
He is nothing if not sure of his impending doom.

In other news, the Wild Hogs did thier pre-trip parade around the neighborhood this morning.
I hope blogger will let me post the video.
You can't make this up!
No video...but here's my favorite hog.
And a few others...
Why must those motor bikes be so deafening?
God, I'm bitchy this morning!

Make it a good one.

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