Friday, March 4, 2016

Hot off Lolita

In early February, I ordered a queen roll of QD 70/30 for down here. 
And, with that order, I ordered king packaged batt for a flimsy I made for Kelly. 
This one...which I may or may not have blogged about. 
After nearly a month of crazy mishaps, I finally got my batt and loaded this monster up. 
It JUST fit on my 11' table. 
Then I stressed over how to quilt it. 
It's so heavy, I wanted use as little thread as possible, yet still have a sturdy bed quilt. 
If I weren't such a pill, I could've used a loose panto. 
But I do not enjoy pantos one bit.  
Kelly is a serious tosser & turner.
She is also a little person, so I didn't want the bloody thing to suffocate her. 
I really wanted to graffiti quilt this, but it would've weighed more than she does. 
In the end, I just marked it up and did twisties.
Kinda like a panto, but I stood in front.
I like it!
Only 2 bobbins for the whole thing!
It still weighs a ton!
Frannie was good enough to pose on it for scale. 
The thing is big...110"x96".
And I scored a Tula Pink back for it. 
The Beatles song, Blackbird, has always been special to Kelly & me. 
Perfect, huh?

Do you think the binding fairy will come tonight?

Be kind.