Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Bithday, Jimmy! in TWO ZERO!

It is with mixed emotions that I wish my baby a Happy 20th birthday.
I have no more teenaged children.
I have all adult family members.
My work is done.
My life is going in a new, more leisurely direction.

But...this isn't about me.
It's about Baby Boy.
The best surprise of my life.
How can that sweet, baked ham of a baby be 20 years old?
It seems last week his sister was toting him swaddled in a blue blanket.
Wasn't it yesterday John asked me, 'when's he going to be able to play football?'

Big, brown eyes and a happy grin...the delight of our family & close friends. 
From the door, Jimmy has been an absolute pisser.
Now, he's at University seeking a business degree.
Albeit, he'd rather be partying & making movies.
But, he's getting it done. 
With honors, I might add!

Yep, it's his 20th birthday today.
I'm acutely proud of this young man & how he has handled himself thus far.
& even though I'll miss being a hands on mom, I think I'm gonna like watching his life unfold.
I've spent a lot of time watching him on the sidelines of ball fields. 
I'm thinking I'll like these new, less injurious sidelines even better.

Happy Birthday, Jimmy...
Thank you for 20 years of immeasurable pride & delight!

'You'll always be my baby.'

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