Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Long arm woes

Lola has been acting up.
She's skipping stitches, breaking threads and being a generally naughty girl.
I don't remember an incident that would cause her injury.
I've sanded, rethreaded, lubricated, cleaned, blown and adjusted...
She's just in a mood.

On top of all this, I've been achy, clammy and headaching since Sunday.

This morning, I was lying in bed having a pity party and it hit me!
Would Deloa be going to NEQF?
If so, is Dave tagging along?
They would be riding right by here.
Could I get a Dave Jones spa treatment?

On the advice of my quilty friend Heidi, I called.
Deloa answered!
She thinks it will work out.

I'm not even going to try and fix it.
I'm just going to piece my brains out and let Dave deal with it.

I feel better just knowing I no longer have to frustrate myself with figuring it out.
And I will get my lights fixed and am researching a new foot for Lola, too!

Life is getting better!

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