Sunday, August 25, 2013

Close..but no cigar

Well, it's been on my list of things for a long time. 
Adopt an adult dog...
Give back. 

I went over to the local rescue.
Looking for a small dog that could travel with me easily. 

I found this guy...
And immediately fell in LOVE. 
Not small.
But OH MY GOSH...he spoke to me. 
And followed me with his eyes.
He was surrendered by a family with his younger brother. 
They wanted to keep them together, if possible. 
So, I watched on line.
Last week, his brother got adopted. 

So, I went back.
Three times. 
Walked him and talked to him. 
Snuggled and loved him up. 
We even named him Clem. 
He's so sweet. 
And needy.

But he's not really what I was looking for. 
Nor is the timing just right..especially for a larger dog. 
I have so much traveling to do in the next months. 

So, I had to walk away.
Jimmy gone...
No Clem...
Not a good weekend for me. 
But it's the right thing. 

1 comment:

  1. I can so relate to you. I fell in love with a red heeler/german shephard mix 3 weeks ago. I visited her many times, and finally had to decided that I was not the right person for her. She is 5 years old, and had been abandoned. I just couldn't bring her into our home with the kids, as I was afraid she would remain wild and never fully love or trust us.


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