Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 9

Always a bittersweet day.
The day mom died.
It still warms my heart that she waited for me. 
And I still miss that crazy nut just as much as the day she left us.
Here she is with Tootsie on her last, best day. 
'I'll be seeing you' was her favorite tune.
They sang it on the Frank Sinatra Special last Sunday. 
I guess I'll always miss her, and Daddy, too.
I don't think want to stop missing them. 
I never want to stop thinking of them and remembering them. 
Wouldn't it be fun to hear her voice again?
See her sitting with her prized gams folded to the side?
Or try to figure out what on earth she was talking about?
Or watch her obsessively rotate her place setting?
Or see her scratching a child's back?
So many great memories...I still feel her around me. 

On the quilt front...
Insanity, as defined by Albert Einstein...
'Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.'

I finally broke out my Quick Curve Ruler. 
I'm embarrassed to say I've had it for a couple of years and have only ever made practice blocks. 
More than twice.
So what did I make?
More practice blocks!
Insanity, I tell you.
Oh, and speaking of insanity....
Yesterday, I cleaned the coffee machine with vinegar. 
This morning, Phil told me something was wrong with the coffee...tasted just like vinegar. 
Note to self...remember to empty to vinegar water from well next time. 🙃
Then, I saw a text pic of sweet Claire in her Christmas Jammie's.
I responded in Chinese letters. 
Note to self...look at the message before you hit send. 🙄 
It's getting hot in here and I've taken another of my famous detours. 

Quilt insanity refocus, I'm thinking of making the CQR Country Chic pattern for my Nugget.
And that has to be well pieced, cause Nugget quilts will be laundered frequently. 
I figure if I make a shit ton of Nugget quilts, there's a good chance one will become her favorite. 
I'm all over the place today, aren't I?

I've also finished up a few more....
Here are 2...
And 2 more....
This monster....
That Pat Sloan & her machine it!
I did a couple others, but have no pictures. 
I really should be better about keeping track of my work. 
I've said that before....more than twice.
(Have I mentioned that once I admired a quilt at a friends house....
And then she told me I'd made it for her.  
How embarrassing is that?  A mind is a terrible thing to lose.

I'm decorating the house for Christmas today.
We experienced some electrical problems while assembling the tree.
(Murray insisted this Bethlehem Lights tree was the finest in the land. 
Murray got hosed once again)
Up til now, my entire Yuletide effort has been switching out the quilts. 
Today, I shall tackle the tree & nativity. 
I'm streamlining the decor this year as we head south shortly after Christmas. 
So much work ... so little time to enjoy it. 
I've been Bah Humbug for a few years now. 
I wonder if my Nugget will reignite my Christmas spirit. 

I had been complaining about the lack of sun.
Sun was out today...that's something, right?
And it wasn't frigid.
It wasn't warm either. 

Why do I reread my posts?
Makes me want to hit delete. 

Please don't forget the Kindness. 

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