Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Pick a Word

I've been sick!
Awful, snot nosed, sleepiness sick.
For ELEVEN days. 
And I'm still not better. 
I feel I've been bitten by a TseTse fly or something. 
I'm not often sick, so I'm not very good at it. 
There is a bright side though.
I've had LOTSA time to ponder my 2015 word. 
And, so, on this NYE 2015, I have my word.
Locked, loaded and ready to share.

<<<<insert drumroll here>>>>


  1. 1
    the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
    "charges involving the acceptance of bribes"
    synonyms:receipt, receiving, taking, obtaining More
  2. 2
    the action or process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group.
    "you must wait for acceptance into the club"
    synonyms:welcome, favorable reception, adoption
    "her acceptance into the group"

Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest. The concept is close in meaning to 'acquiescence', derived from the Latin 'acquiēscere' (to find rest in).

For me, this will be difficult.  I'm always trying to fix everything. I like everyone to be happy.  Or blame myself for thing beyond anyone's control.  Or take responsibility.  It's all about smoothing things over.  I made it work for many years.  It was how I mothered, daughtered, sistered, friended and 'wifed'.  But lately, since the kids have grown and moved on, it's a burden. I can't fix anything anymore. And, no one wants or needs me to fix anything.  No one but me, that is.  I need to learn to let go and let life happen.  I have to trust in Gods plan, karma & fate.  I'll be happier for it.  And so will everyone around me. 

Also, I do not accept compliments well.  Or gifts.  I over thank everyone for everything.  Sometimes I wind up tripping over my embarrassment or gratitude.  

And, I need to be confident in my quilting and accept I am good at it. I've taught myself a lot over the last few years.  I'm not the best, but I am pretty darn good. 

Yes, I have much to work on...this will not be easy. But it could be life changing. 😁 Wish me luck.

And to all of you, I wish a healthy, happy 2015 spent with those you love and hold dear.

I leave you with a Christmas/wedding picture of me with my sweetest loves...
           The greatest gift of all is love.  

God bless...keep kindness. Happy New Year. 


1 comment:

  1. Happy new year to you. 11 days of being ill is 11 days too many.

    I wish you well on your New Years 2015 word ... acceptance is so hard.

    Kindness to you and hoping you feel better soon



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