Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fantasia Fractured

Free patterns are never really free.
At least for me... 
I loved this panel...I only wish I'd photographed it before I cut it up & pieced it. 
Another blogging mishap to add to my long list.
It appears I'm on a panel kick...very odd as I was never much of a panel fan.
The colors on this are fabulous, the composition is aces. 
This should have been a relatively easy one.
And, it would have been if I'd just approached it without the pattern.
But, I didn't. 
Of course, there were 4 different corners...
And they were confusing.
But, I was ok with that. 
Since dither is my norm, it's nice to have a project to blame now & then.
Makes me feel, uh.......reasonably dithered.
It worked out fine with the weaving border effect in tact.
(By this time, I abandoned the pattern and had gone rogue)

What I wasn't ok with was the D cup aftermath in the fractured center.
I followed the cutting & piecing directions to the letter.
I used more pins than a bulletin board attaching the border.
I NEVER pin.
Well, obviously not never...but rarely.
At the quilt shop, she CAREFULLY cut the panel.
(She was so exacting I was rolling my eyes, fearing I may miss Jeopardy)
Still...D cups. 
Ok, maybe C cups.
Either way, cups too big for my boobs.
Did I just say that?
Isn't it bizarre that I write this blog in large part for posterity, yet still allow myself to appear cuckoo?
My lineage will refer to me as 'the one with threads on her clothes & bats in the belfry.'
Remember, things are rarely as they seem.
Again...I find myself adrift...

I did get nice compliments from my IG family. 
& it does look ok if you're riding by on a galloping horse.
(After all, the fullness does not change the glorious colors or completely destroy the composition)
& it kept me engrossed all through the dull football weekend that Mr Bixby finds so amusing.
I guess there's always a bright side...
There's that perspective word again.
Lolafication will be challenging...but I think I can tame this beast.
We shall see how it comes out.
I had intended it to be a wallhanging.
I suspect it will be far too cattywampus to hang & will just serve as a cuddler.

Even after applying perspective, this still enforces my belief....
free patterns are never really get what you pay for.
At least in my universe.


  1. You know Meg, there really is no such thing as a free lunch. We can now amend that to a free pattern. The colors are terrific.
    XO. BK

  2. I am going to use EQ7 software to layout the quilt pieces before I start cutting. As they should have done in the first place.


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i'd love to hear it....
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