Not much to show today.
I pieced up the center of the Twister for Murray.
I used batik RW&Bs from the stasheroo.
I have a flag print for the border that Murray liked from Patchwork Plus.
I'm thinking of adding a small blue inner border...
The store sample had a red one, but I think I'll go with blue.
I just don't have the right red...
Hard to believe, isn't it?
The Twister ruler is a 2 step process.
First, you sew 5" squares together in a pattern that suits you.
Here's mine.
Then, you cut it up on a wonky angle along the seam intersections and sew them back together like this.
The ruler is marked where the seams has feet to steady it...and you just whack it out.
Here's the ruler.
But, you could easily get confused if you didn't keep them lined up and sew after every row is cut.
Frankly, it's inexplicable that I got this sewn together correctly on the first try.
Not one seam was ripped in the making of this flimsy...I'm sure if I were to make another, I'd be frogging away merrily.
AND...there's a LOT of fabric waste.
At over $10./yard, I'm not comfortable with this much waste.
I've heard you can get the tiny size Twister Ruler and reuse the scraps.
I won't do that...I don't have the time or desire to sift thru and separate good scraps from bad.
My OCD is not that bad.
Even I am not that cheap or pathetic.
There is a lady at SWFQG who collects batik scraps...I'll give these to her.
I doubt I'll make another of these Twister quilts.
It's cute enough, but, I hate waste.
I'm contemplating the circumstance that it was Murray who bought this ruler, on a whim, no less.
I'm always after him about waste.
How was he to know?
Could it be coincidence that it was he who chose this particular tool?
A tool I find to be most impractical....
Could this tool have found him?
Is he drawn, subconsciously, to extravagance?
I wonder, is this trait intrinsic?
And therefore, he can't help it?
Could it be the universe spins this way for my Murray?
He may never recycle or reuse...
Thriftiness may be beyond his comprehension.
If this is the case, retirement will be very long and arduous for me.
Things to look forward to....
I got a message last night asking me to RSVP for a bridal shower I never got an invite to.
I'm in town, so I'm going.
It's family.
I've been trying to throw together a quickie flimsy to take along for the bride to be.
We shall see if that happens.
Less than 2 weeks is a tough turn around time for me.
There is always the gift card option should I fail to finish in time.
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