Monday, August 5, 2013


I've been worrying about my Frannie. 
This worrying thing I got going on is getting annoying. 
She's not been herself for a while now. 
She's 9 years old, which isn't THAT old. 
Her appetite has been unchanged. 
But she sleeps A LOT.
Most days she doesn't even stir till way after 2 pm.
And is moving very slow. 
Or not moving at if she can get away with it. 
And going into the other room more often. 
I sucked it up and took her to a new vet I met at a FH party. 
I told her all my wing nut ideas about medicating and testing on dogs. 
Most vets roll their eyes. 
Not Dr Stacy!
She was still nice to me and told me she respects my position!
I haven't had a good vet since I lived in Michigan. 
I hope she stays so laid back.
Frannie is so nervous at the vet...she makes it hard. 
She doesn't bite or growl, but she does crawl under anything she can fit under and roll over on her back in an attempt to stop an examination that is uncomfortable. 
I won't sedate Frannie unless its absolutely necessary to ease unbearable pain. 
I'm not pumping her full of arsenic to prevent heart worm.
I won't burn her skin with flea and tick repellents unless we are traveling to areas where these insects are prevalent. 
I'm a firm believer that dogs should not suffer. 
Or be over medicated. 
I only give her the shots that the law requires. 
Nuttin' more...nuttin' less!
I've found a vet who will put up with me. 

Here's the kicker...
After all the trials at the vet...
And all the complaining in the car on the way home...
That crazy dog would not get out of the car for over an hour when we got home. 
I love my Frannie. 
She's a kind girl, a beautiful girl and a good girl. 

1 comment:

  1. Meg, why would she want to get out of the car? she looks sooooo comfortable!

    I do the same with Pooh, my grand dog. Only the shots he needs and required by law. And medicine when he is REALLY sick...beyond boiled chicken sick. For some reason, boiled chicken cures him...must be chicken soup for dogs. :)



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