Dear K, J & J,
You are my precious babies, and these are my hopes for you.
I wish for you to be a decent human being.
I wish for you to be yourself.
This does not mean you can be an asshole.
I want you to work hard, putting forward your best effort in everything you do and using your many talents every chance you get.
Life is too short to live with regret.
I want you to be able to take care of yourself.
Cook, clean, laundry, bills.
I wish for you to be financially responsible and live within your means.
Frivolous things are just distractions and don't make people happy.
Save your money and spend your time finding true happiness.
I hope you will honor and respect your wonderful body.
Eat right, sleep well, practice moderation, see the dentist and doctor regularly.
I wish for you to be tolerant of others and try not to judge.
You never know someone else's story.
I want you to be charitable with your time and money.
Everyone needs a hand sometimes.
If the circumstances allow, offer your hand.
I want you to be charitable with youself.
Accept your flaws as integral parts of the extraordinary person you are.
There is no one else like you.
I wish for you to respect each person's right to be themselves.
Encourage others in their individuality.
I wish for you to love hard.
Even if a broken heart scares you.
I wish for you to be kind to everyone you meet.
You can change the world with small acts of kindness.
I want you to sometimes think of others before yourself.
I wish for you curiosity so you will always be inquiring and excited about learning.
I wish for you the bravery needed to face your life head on and live it full out.
The world is immense and fascinating.
See as much of it as you can.
I want you to find something you are passionate about.
Whether it's as shining as a noble cause, or a simple hobby, feed your soul by doing something you love to do.
I want you to know that sometimes life is hard.
I want you to know that sometimes bad things happen to good people.
No one deserves the bad, and no one earns the good.
Don't let hard times harden you.
Please watch your words.
Once someone is hurt by you, it can't be undone.
Listen twice as much as you speak.
Listening is an important and underrated skill.
When you are hurt, and you will be hurt, I hope you will choose forgiveness.
Don't allow anyone to steal your sweetness and make you bitter.
I wish for you occasional guilt-free relaxation.
I hope that you will show gratitude to God, whoever you perceive Him to be, for all the many blessings in your life.
I hope you will never forget how lucky you are to be living freely in this great country.
I wish for you to keep our family strong by staying connected to each other.
Celebrate with each other, support each other, cry with each other, talk to each other.
And, more than any other thing, you must remember how much I love you.
You are my precious babies, my everything.
I know you are remarkable people.
Make it your mission to show the world what I already know.
That was very nice Mom.. I love you!