Saturday, April 6, 2013


Dave Jones will be here tomorrow.
This makes me happy on so many levels.

It's vodka night at the golf club tonight and I now have something to celebrate.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
His visit will not coincide with Kelly's wedding dress fitting.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
No more broken thread.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
There is nothing like a operating perfectly service APQS machine.
I will be driving a purring lola soon
Altho its unlikely, I will have a chance to get that top quilted by Kristina's deadline.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
My turn around for Barbs flimsies just went down. My bestie is having aging parent issues and I want to get her quilts back to her to cheer her up.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
My flimsy hanger will get some relief.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
I wont be stressed out trying to figure out the problem.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
My overhead lights will BOTH be working.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
That bump in my table will soon be gone.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
There is a chance that I will get the door prize quilt done for the shower.
I'll be driving a purring lola soon
The opportunity to watch Dave work will give me confidence and knowledge. I'm a visual learner.
I will be driving a purring lola soon

I'm so relieved that Dave can fit me.
I'm off to get him pie.
Heidi told me he loves pie.

One more thing...
Did I mention?

And, for your viewing pleasure...
a picture of my Bride to be, Kelly and Coco, Hannah's pup, paddle boarding in San Diego.
She got a sunburn.

1 comment:

  1. Altho its unlikely, I will have a chance to get that top quilted by Kristina's deadline....

    I hope I make it! That was the reason for setting a deadline though. Otherwise, our tops will stay put away and never get quilted!


if you have something to say,
i'd love to hear it....
and i'll respond if you leave me your email.